Mathematical Biology Group - History

2021-2022 Committee

Chair A/Prof Alys Clark Auckland University
Secretary Dr Rebecca Chisholm La Trobe University
Treasurer Dr Michael Lydeamore Monash University
Web editor A/Prof Roslyn Hickson CSIRO and James Cook University
Committee Dr Joel Miller La Trobe University
Dr Stuart Johnston University of Melbourne
Prof James McCaw University of Melbourne
Returning Officer Dr Catherine Penington Macquarie University

2020-2021 Committee

Chair   Dr Alys Clark Auckland University
 Secretary  Dr Rebecca Chisholm La Trobe University 
 Treasurer  Dr Michael Lydeamore Monash University
 Web editor  Dr Roslyn Hickson University of Melbourne
 Committee  Dr Joel Miller La Trobe University
 Dr Barbara Johnston Griffith University
 Prof James McCaw University of Melbourne
 Returning Officer  Dr Catherine Penington Macquarie University

2018-2020 Committee

Chair   Dr Alys Clark Auckland University
 Secretary  Dr Rebecca Chisholm University of Melbourne 
 Treasurer  Dr Andrew Black University of Adelaide
 Web editor  Dr Roslyn Hickson University of Melbourne
 Committee  Dr Deborah Cromer University of NSW
 Prof Carlo Liang Massey University
 Prof James McCaw University of Melbourne
 A/Prof Michael Plank Canterbury University

2016-2018 Committee

Chair   Assoc. Prof. James McCaw  University of Melbourne
 Secretary  Assoc. Prof. Joshua Ross  University of Adelaide
 Treasurer  Dr Andrew Black  University of Adelaide
 Web editor  Dr Roslyn Hickson  IBM Research
 Committee  Prof. Carlo Laing  Massey University
   Dr Ed Green  University of Adelaide
  Dr Deborah Cromer The Kirby Institute
  Mr Nicholas Gale University of Western Australia

2015-2016 Committee

Chair Assoc. Prof. James McCaw University of Melbourne
Secretary Assoc. Prof. Joshua Ross University of Adelaide
Treasurer Prof. Graeme Pettet Qld University of Technology
Web editor Dr Roslyn Hickson University of Newcastle
Committee Dr Adelle Coster University of New South Wales
Ms Alexandra Hogan Australian National University
Dr Bill Holmes University of Melbourne
Dr Edward Green University of Adelaide
Prof. Carlo Laing Massey University

2014-2015 Committee

Chair Prof. Geoff Mercer Australian National University
Secretary Dr Joshua Ross University of Adelaide
Treasurer Prof. Graeme Pettet Qld University of Technology
Web editor Dr Roslyn Hickson University of Newcastle
Committee Ms Alexandra Hogan Australian National University
Prof Kerry Landman University of Melbourne
Asoc. Prof. James McCaw University of Melbourne
Dr Sahwn Means Auckland University
Assoc. Prof. Yvonne Stokes University of Adelaide

Vale Geoff Mercer

It was with great sadness to hear of the passing of Geoff Mercer, Chair of MBSIG, on Saturday 12th April 2014. Geoff was integral to the launch of the MBSIG and to all of the activities which it has undertaken in such a short space of time. The contributions of Geoff to ANZIAM are huge, and will be acknowledged more fully elsewhere. He will be greatly missed.

2012-2014 Founding Committee

The Mathematical Biology Special Interest Group (MBSIG) of ANZIAM was formed at the 2012 February ANZIAM conference. The inaugural committee consists of

Chair Assoc. Prof. Geoff Mercer Australian National University
Secretary Dr Joshua Ross University of Adelaide
Treasurer Prof. Graeme Pettet Qld University of Technology
Web editor Dr Roslyn Hickson University of Newcastle
Committee Prof Kerry Landman University of Melbourne
Assoc. Prof. Andrew Francis University of Western Sydney
Prof. Mick Roberts Massey University
Assoc. Prof. Peter Johnston Griffith University
Dr James McCaw University of Melbourne

Updated: 14 Feb 2022